Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Robert Sex : Man Status : In a relationship, without children Birthday : Unknown Area : Intramuros |
A few words |
Sportif . J'aime le bowling, la natation la randonnée( montagne) La campagne; le VTT, le ski de fond et de piste (moins)la pêche,et marcher dans la nature. j'adore voler en ULM. |
Work / Job Jurist - LawyerI don't work | Languages I speak French | Technology I have a smartphone |
I like a culture/food FrenchAsian - Indian Latin American Italian | Sports HikingRunning Climbing Ping-pong Sliding sports | Physical Activities StrollBike - Scooter Latin dancing Swimming |
Games Card games - PokerWII - Game consoles Bowling Baseball - Boules - Bowls | Cultural Activities Literature - BooksMusic Jazzy | Cooking / Eating I enjoy coffeeI enjoy wine I enjoy beer |
Entertainment / Info TelevisionSoap opera - Manga Radio - Press | Nature / Outdoors MountainGardening - Plants | Outings / Vacation Travel with a backpack |