Personal Info |
Rankings |
First Name : Laurence Sex : Woman Status : Single, with children Birthday : 27 June 1974 (50 ) Area : Proche Saint-Etienne |
A few words |
J'aime la nature, promener mon chien et voyager. Je fais du théatre d'impro Je me suis mise au dessin, peinture et cela me plaît beaucoup. J'aime la nature, marcher. Pas trop les trucs iréels
Je m intéresse au bien être et je suis adepte des massages.
Je déteste le mensonge et l hypocrisie.
Languages I speak FrenchI speak English I speak Spanish | Daily life Family - Children | Lifestyle / Ideology Ecology - BioBuy & Live local Openmind |
Pets - Animals I have a catI have a dog | I like a culture/food FrenchAsian - Indian African Latin American Portuguese Italian | Sports Hiking |
Physical Activities StrollRoller & ice skating Latin dancing Fitness - Bodybuilding | Games Card games - PokerRole-playing games Board games Chess - Checkers - Go | Arts and Crafts Painting - Drawing |
Cultural Activities Theater | Thinking Paranormal - MagicPuzzles - Quiz Personal development Yoga - Meditation | Cooking / Eating CookingPicnics I enjoy wine I enjoy beer |
Entertainment / Info Amusement ParksTelevision Soap opera - Manga Radio - Press | Nature / Outdoors OutdoorsSea - Beach Mountain Rapids Zoo - Wildlife parks | Special Events BirthdayParty Concert - Festival Aperitif Fairs - Shows |
Outings / Vacation Go away for the week-endCamping Travel with a backpack |